Do we care what is going on in the world any more? World News tonight is long gone, and CNN International is hard to find. We need to care. Regardless of the nonsense we have been sold lately, the United States can not live in a bubble. Trade and immigration are what really made us great. Trump didn’t know better but he bought into an isolationist mentality that he used to help us develop an US and them phobia. THEY are coming, THEY will take our jobs, THEY, THEY, THEY.

While we have had our head in the sand, the world is moving on. The largest trade agreement in the world (RCEP) was recently signed. We were not present. It might be scary but the way to improve our quality of life here in America is by developing markets overseas. We have only four percent of the world’s population. Near ninety-six percent of the world is out there waiting to buy our stuff.

Reading Recommendations:

Hochberg, Fred P. Trade Is Not a Four-Letter Word: How Six Everyday Products Make the Case for Trade. Avid Reader Press, 2020.

Spalding, Robert Stanley, and Seth Kaufman. Stealth War: How China Took over While America’s Elite Slept. New York: Portfolio/Penguin, 2019.

Zeihan, Peter. The Absent Superpower: the Shale Revolution and a World without America. Austin, TX: Zeihan on Geopolitics, 2016.

Zeihan, Peter. The Accidental Superpower: the next Generation of American Preeminence and the Coming Global Disorder. New York: Twelve, 2016.
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People Over Party


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