Democracy is fragile and as we say, freedom is not free. As citizens, we have to do our part, we have to be active participants in the governing of our county, and we need to be informed consumers of news and information.
We could go on at length discussing the damage that number 45 did to the country, and we will. For no one else has been personally responsible for the death of more American citizens, and no one has done more damage to America’s standing in the world. No adversary has been as effective at undermining democracy, or come as close to overthrowing the United States Government, as he.
Thankfully, that has passed, at least for now, but we should consider how this came about and how so many good Americans came under his spell. It is our responsibility as Americans to be informed participants in our democratic process. We obviously spend too much time watching reality TV, so it is not surprising that we were fooled into electing a reality tv personality.
Many have come to think that our votes don’t count, while our military is in harms way protecting other’s rights to vote oversees. We need to take our responsibility more seriously, educate ourselves and not be so swayed by the Kardashians or Hannity. Though we have the right to vote, we have demonstrated the serious danger that exists in a democracy. An ignorant majority, under the spell of the charismatic, might foolishly elect someone unfit for office, or who does not truly believe in their obligation to support and defend the Constitution.
Our Founders recognized this danger, and some argued to protect us from ourselves, proposing that the people rely on “those who know better” to vote on our behalf. For better or for worse, it was decided that a government of the people, for the people, should trust its citizens to vote for those who would represent them. We were given that power and with it came a responsibility to make good use of our votes.
In this area we have failed. We want small government but would benefit from putting more government back in our elementary and high school curriculum. We may have the luxury of being lazy and taking our rights for granted, but that does not make it right. We must educate ourselves and our friends on the dangers of ignorance and of relying on social media as a news source.
Viola Davis brilliantly pointed out in a 2017 interview that our problems in America are bigger than our 45th President. She suggested that he was simply the reflection of issues we have within our country and our people. We elected him; we bear responsibility for endangering our republic. His stable genius should have been no surprise to us. Those sexist, racist, ignorant, self-serving stripes were visible on that zebra for all to see, years in advance.
It may be just a coincidence but our 45th President consistently used techniques employed by Russia to mislead and confuse the American voters. When our elected officials work to manipulate public opinion, the danger to our democracy grows. It makes it that much harder for well intentioned citizens to make informed decisions on what is best for our country or our families. What do you think?
Reading and Resource Recommendations:
Berkin, Carol. A Brilliant Solution: Inventing the American Constitution. Orlando: Harcourt, 2003.
Ketcham, Ralph. The Anti-Federalist Papers; and The Constitutional Convention Debates. NY, NY: Signet Classics, 2003.
Meacham, Jon. The Soul of America: The Battle for Our Better Angels. New York: Random House, 2019.
Rid, Thomas. Active Measures: The Secret History of Disinformation and Political Warfare. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2020.