What are we hoping for? Do we really still think Trump is a champion for the middleclass? Have you gotten a raise? Do you have better benefits or medical coverage for your family? Are farmers doing better? Did we bring back manufacturing? Are those tariffs helping us? What about the infrastructure rebuild? Are the roads and bridges looking better in your area?
How exactly have we benefited from the last four years? Are you any better off? Guess we can blame in on “the virus,” or the Dems. Can’t really blame it on them immigrants anymore, can we? We could blame the Never Trumpers… The media! Must be the media. Couldn’t be the conman we elected. Couldn’t be our fault for being duped by a Godless Reality TV personality. Now we’re going to tear our country apart to keep him in power? What a joke.
If Trump hadn’t been voted out of office in the most secure election we have ever had, with the largest voter turnout in our history, would it all have come together in his next term? Would Trump have finally found God, stopped compromising our values, or started to represent our interests? Unlikely; maybe in four years. Till then we should move on. Trump isn’t worth it and we can’t seem to articulate what it is we wanted from him. MAGA? America has always been great. What do you think?