Gun Rights

Would you agree that our Right to Bear Arms is guaranteed in the Constitution, under Amendment II? As the name suggests, it is a right, it is not an entitlement. Our founders said that “necessary to the security of a free States, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” There is an aspect of a greater good implied in those words, and a trust and responsibility bestowed on the people given that right.

As a right, that could potentially be revoked, it is our responsibility to live up to the responsibility of maintaining that right for ourselves and future generations. As not all people are worthy of this trust or capable of conducting themselves in a manor that contributes to “the security of a free State,” we have to earn that right every day.

Allowing a child to take a rifle to a demonstration with the hopes of shooting someone is not in our best interest if we hope to maintain our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Responsible gun ownership is much more like to justify our maintenance of this right.

The Second Amendment to the Constitution says, “A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Who is that well-regulated militia? Are you a member of the National Guard?

Well regulated can’t possible mean just anyone who has or can steal a gun. The words suggest some type of membership or exclusivity. What if there were an association or certification that sifted the wheat from the chaff, or the nuts from the berries? What if a Well-regulated militia meant current or former military or law enforcement, public servants, or certified NRA members? Why doesn’t the NRA take its training and safety programs and develop an American Militia Certification Program?

If we want to counter anti-gun sentiment, we should provide a service. We should support responsible gun ownership, encourage safety and weapon proficiency training, and be proactive in demonstrating that not everyone is deserving of the public trust or right to bear arms. What do you think?

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John Jay


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